WBS Jalin

Type of Complaint

As a financial service tech-based Company established for the community, PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara (“Jalin”) is committed to building a healthy and open business environment with integrity to maintain all stakeholders’ trust and improve Jalin’s reputation.

To fulfill this commitment, we have provided the Whistleblowing System (“WBS”) as a reporting tool. WBS allows you to report alleged fraud, violation of law, internal regulations, corporate regulations, or external regulations related to our business, as well as ethical and moral violations involving Jalin’s internal parties or taking place in the company’s environment.

We will further process complaints that meet the qualifications and criteria. We encourage whistleblowers to provide identifying information, but you may also report anonymously without revealing any personal information. We highly respect the information you provide and are committed to handling it with full confidentiality.

The whistleblowers must at least be able to explain the occurrence (what), the parties involved (who), time of occurrence (when), place of occurrence (where), and how it was committed (how).

Jalin encourages active participation from internal and external parties to give support in maintaining a good Company business practice and environment.

Send your report by filling out the e-Form below.

Thank you for your concern and trust in us.

Means of Reporting:

  • Email: wbs@jalin.co.id
  • Letters are addressed to:
    WBS Management Team
    PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara
    Menara Dea Tower 1, Floor 7 Suite 702
    Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat I, Kav.E.4.3 No.1, Jakarta 12950

Jalin Whistleblowing System Reporting Form

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