
Get to Know Jalin Verifi3d as a GPN Supporter

Oct 10, 2022

Get to Know Jalin Verifi3d as a GPN Supporter

PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara (Jalin) supports digital transformation through payment system infrastructure to achieve an optimum banking ecosystem. It does so by developing a server directory service to support cashless transactions through 3D secure technology (Jalin Verifi3d), resulting in more secure banking transactions. Currently, Jalin supports banking transactions via debit cards bearing the GPN (Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional) logo. You can easily and safely shop online using GPN debit cards.

Jalin Verifi3d activates GPN debit card transactions on online merchants using 3D secure technology that is integrated with international standards. Jalin Verifi3d guarantees secure transactions by using OTP through 3DS Authentication. 

OTP, which stands for One Time-Password, is a password that can only be used once in a certain period. As it is temporary, the OTP code will expire within minutes. OTP codes are sent by SMS (Short Message Service) or via Whatsapp chat when you finish making a transaction in certain applications. OTP codes serve as one of the verification processes in smartphone applications and websites to prevent data on the accounts from being misused for digital crimes.

In addition, with Jalin Verifi3d, transactions can be made more broadly courtesy of GPN. Thus, Jalin Verifi3d constitutes the easiest-to-use payment integrator in terms of online transactions. Benefits for members include:

  • Support online payment transactions in any channel for members;
  • Support operational efficiency by using the daily settlement method in lieu of deposit fees. 

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