
Jalin Holds Annual General Meeting of Stakeholders: Focuses on Growth and Innovation in the Digital Payment Industry

Jan 31, 2024

Jalin Holds Annual General Meeting of Stakeholders: Focuses on Growth and Innovation in the Digital Payment Industry

PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara (Jalin) successfully organized the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) to approve the Company’s Budget Plan (re:RKAP) for the Year 2024 on Tuesday (30/01) held at Menara Danareksa, Jakarta.

Other agenda items included the establishment of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Board of Commissioners and Directors. Present at the event were the Director of Finance of PT Danareksa (Persero) Basaria Martha Juliana, VP Subsidiary Administration & Support of PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Hendra Kurniawan as shareholder representatives, and the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Jalin.

In his presentation, the CEO of Jalin, Ario Tejo Bayu Aji, noted Jalin's revenue growth in 2023 compared to the previous year, driven by increased QR transactions and the managed services business line. He stated that the 2024 work plan would focus on revenue and profitability growth, supported by three main business pillars: Universal Switching Powerhouse, National Cash Point, and Collaborative Digital Enabler.

Jalin, as part of the BUMN Holding Danareksa, is a digital financial solutions provider supporting the sovereignty of the domestic payment system. The commitment and strategic plans outlined in the RUPS RKAP reaffirm Jalin's commitment to continuous innovation and adaptation to market changes.

The focus on the three main business pillars also demonstrates Jalin's strategic acumen amidst the increasingly competitive digital payment industry. The vision of The National Digital Highway is expected to accelerate Jalin's access and penetration of financial services, promoting financial inclusion and inclusive economic growth. Jalin is committed to sustainable revenue and profitability growth while considering the economic and social impacts.

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