Jalin Distributes Aid for Flood Victims in South Jakarta
Jan 09, 2020

Jakarta, 8 Januari 2020 - Jakarta, 8th January 2020 - PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara along with PT Danareksa (Persero) as the parent company also help distribute aid for flood victims in Jakarta, the flood impacted Jakarta and its surrounding on 31st December 2019 due to high rainfall. The aid was distributed through PT Adhi Karya to then be distributed to the victims of the flood.
“Jalin wants to express its consolation to all the victims upon the flood that happened last night on New Years eve, it is hoped that with Jalin’s participation it can help relieve the burden of the victims, especially the ones in South Jakarta,” said VP Corporate Secretary PT Jalin Pembayaran Nusantara Christianus Panjisasongko in Jakarta, Wednesday (8/1).
In providing aid for the impacted residents in Jakarta, Jalin with other subsidiaries from PT Danareksa distributes a sum of daily needs that is needed by the residents whilst waiting for the flood to recede. As for the relief items are hygiene kit, baby kit, medicine as well as blanket and tarpaulin for night time.
The overall aid was distributed through PT Adhi Karya’s post, as the state-owned enterprise that was chosen by the ministry as the coordinator of aid distribution for the flood victims in South Jakarta.
As known, the heavy rainfall that occurs since Tuesday (31/12/2019) afternoon up to Wednesday (1/1/2020) morning caused a widespread flooding, it is reported up to 30 people has died and more than 31.000 evacuated from 158 impacted points, this rainfall made a record as the heaviest rainfall since 1866.
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